Jane Puckey

I draw an outline on a blank canvas from a photo which for me represents a breath taking, in-the-moment experience of feeling as one with whatever I was looking at, and am increasingly able to distract and surrender my conscious mind by listening to music, movies, documentaries and audio books – and let my body paint my painting.

Here Comes The Sun

Jane Puckey is a New Zealand landscape artist, known for her paintings of Northland. She grew up on an orchard in the Bay of Islands, building huts in the bush, and exploring the many local islands and bays with her family. This land of exceptional beauty is significant and meaningful to her as her family has lived in northland for generations – settling in the area in the early 1800s.

“My inspiration to paint arises from being in the present moment amidst the land. The clear blue skies, ever changing hues of the sea, and deep colours of the earth, all providing a play of contrast in New Zealand’s brilliant light. A felt beauty which I can find no words for and therefore paint to convey the wonder of the moment in imagery.”

How did you get to be an Artist?

This is a big question! As a child I always thought that I would like to be an artist when I grew up, and my earliest memories are of spending a lot of time drawing and painting. My passion for re-creating whatever subject matter I love into works of pencil or paint continued into adulthood and I began exhibiting and selling my work in 1995. Painting, exhibiting and selling my work just grew from that point onwards.

Can you tell me a bit about your painting process?

I draw an outline on a blank canvas from a photo which for me represents a breath taking, in-the-moment experience of feeling as one with whatever I was looking at, and am increasingly able to distract and surrender my conscious mind by listening to music, movies, documentaries and audio books – and let my body paint my painting. Alongside being an Artist. I am also a practising psychotherapist and believe that creativity be it painting, or my life in general, is about surrendering my conscious mind, a letting go, and trusting the process of a deeper creative wisdom. I love this by Joseph Conrad which describes this process:

A man that is born falls into a dream like a man who falls into the sea. If he tries to climb out into the air as inexperienced people endeavour to do, he drowns…The way is to the destructive element submit yourself, and with the exertions of your hands and feet in the water make the deep, deep sea keep you up…In the destructive element immerse.

Previously Sold

Wish Upon a Star
Okahu Bay
Dance of Light (framed)