Nessi Penman

Tekapo Blue
Human - Being
Going Home

Contemporary impressionist impasto painter creating works which invite the viewer into the natural world of flowers and lush landscapes.

'My desire when I paint is to create works which instil within the viewer a deeper sense of calm and appreciation for nature and the paradise we live in.  My objective is to draw people into my artworks so that they can find the creative spirit within themselves.

I believe that we are all artists - may not be in paint or clay or charcoal, but we have the power to create beauty in our own environments and share that with others.

I cannot say for sure where my love for oil painting came from, but one of my earliest memories was when my mother would take me to the art store once a month on her payday and she would buy me 'paint-by-numbers' and I would fall in love with the smell of those little tubs of paint and the distinct smell of the linseed oil contained therein - every time. 

Growing up in South Africa, the African landscape and its rich colours imbedded themselves within my spirit. Irma Stern, Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet are the three artists who's work I resonate with the most.  I love their use of texture, emotion and dominant brush strokes.

It makes you feel like you are observing a painting - not a photograph.  Your eyes dance across the canvas trying to understand what the artist did and what they were seeing and feeling. As a self-taught artist I have been guided by my intuition, the medium and the artwork itself.  It is my personal experience that I am only a conduit - the artwork creates itself through me.'

Previously Sold

A Kiss in Springtime
Patient Persistence
Letting Go